
Analysis of non-hazardous canine training aids for triacetone triperoxide (TATP)
Calibrating canines - a universal detector calibrant for detection dogs
Use of Canine Olfactory Detection for Covid-19 Testing Study on U.A.E. Trained Detection Dog Sensitivity
Development and assessment of Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) training aids for detection canines
Odor signature evaluation: Perspectives encompassing explosives and pathogen detection
Development of an automated human scent olfactometer and its use to evaluate detection dog perception of human scent
The science behind the nose: correlating volatile organic compound characterization with canine biodetection of COVID-19
Unraveling the potential of breath and sweat VOC capture devices for human disease detection: a systematic-like review of canine olfaction and GC-MS analysis
The Use and Potential of Biomedical Detection Dogs