User Guide Getxent RASCO
How to collect odors with RASCO?
- Insert a blank Getxent Tube into the Getxent RASCO
- Plug the Getxent RASCO into the Dyson
- Sample the air
- Collect the Getxent Tube and put back in the glass vial
- Analyse the Getxent Tube
Always use gloves and metal tweezers. Between samples, run the vacuum for 1 min without a Getxent Tube.
How to analyse tubes sampled with RASCO?
Getxent Tubes sampled with RASCO can be analyzed by:
- Trained dogs in a lineup
- Analytical instruments (GC-MS)
Samples can be stored in glass vials for at least 30 days before analysis.

How long is the sampling with Getxent RASCO?
Indicative sampling duration for explosives detection:
- <5m3 (cars, box-pallets): 2min
- 5-20m3 (vans, ULDs): 3.5min
- 20-50m3 (20ft container): 4min
- 50-80m3 (40ft container, room): 5min
- 80-110m3 (trucks): 8min
Number of sampling locations:
- <80m3: only 1
- >80m3: sample at 2 different locations, far one from each other
Indicative sampling duration for narcotics detection: up to 110m3: 10-30s
Indicative sampling duration for rodents detection: up to 110m3: 30s-2min
Why my dog might not alert properly?
When using RASCO, the odor intensity in the Getxent tube may differ from the dog’s trained concentration.
Thus, the sensitivity threshold of the dog sometimes needs to be adjusted.

Still have questions? Read our FAQ or contact us
Yes, the Getxent RASCO can be reused after proper cleaning.
Getxent tubes used for sampling cannot be reused.
The Getxent RASCO should be stored between -30°C and +50°C in a clean, dry place.
Our best recommendation is to store the Getxent RASCO accessory in the supplied wallet, in a clean, dry place at room temperature.
We higly recommend using the Dyson V12 Slim because:
- Lighter
- Smaller
- No need to hold the ON button
- Similar battery lifespan to Dyson V15
The following vacuum cleaners are also compatible:
- Dyson V11
- Dyson V12 Slim
- Dyson V15
- Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Cleaner G10
For the how to operate the Dyson or Xiaomi vacuum cleaners, please refer to the user guides provided by the manufacturer.