Unraveling the potential of breath and sweat VOC capture devices for human disease detection: a systematic-like review of canine olfaction and GC-MS analysis
This publication lists 5 main features required by an ideal VOC capture devices for human disease detection by both dogs and GC-MS:
Getxent tubes meet all requirements:
- Safe, clean and easy to use:
- medical grade (USP Class VI)
- single use
- preconditioned (odor free)
- easy to handle by the patient
- Improved sampling selectivity: inert copolymer with polar/apolar block to catch both polar/apolar molecules
- Improved sample stability: samples are stable up to years at room temperature
- Optimal injection in GC-MS systems: size compatible with GC-MS vials
- Long-time odors diffusion for dog sniffing: designed for working dogs, up to 6 months use
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