Tegan Murrell study: our insight
Following the issue of the student study “The Nose Knows; Chemical Scent Detection By a Protected Species Conservation Dog” by Tegan Murrell, we would like to bring more insights. Indeed, part of this study was to evaluate the ability of Getxent tubes to be used as training aids for frog detection.
Following the issue of the student study “The Nose Knows; Chemical Scent Detection By a Protected Species Conservation Dog” by Tegan Murrell, the Getxent team has reviewed the study. They pointed out many facts that explain the results with Getxent tubes which can be found in our study review below.
Getxent team suggestions:
Improve the set-up for impregnation:
- Smaller glass jar
- Better sealing
- Longer impregnation time
Change the consumables and parameters for GC-MS:
- Column : WAX type, 60 m x 0,25 mm ID x 0,25 µm film thickness
- Split ratio : splitless
- SPME fiber : 50/30µm DVB/CAR/PDMS
- Use our GC-MS method
- Determine the dog sensitivity threshold before the study on known odor
- Decrease the dog sensitivity threshold
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